How to Buy Investment Real Estate In Charleston With Bad Credit

Buying investment real estate sooner rather than later can significantly impact your returns and the quality of your future lifestyle. The time value of money in real estate is a term that describes the value of money over time, used in determining the future cash flow of an investment and what it would be worth in today’s money. Don’t let bad credit stop you from getting started on the road to...


Buying investment real estate sooner rather than later can significantly impact your returns and the quality of your future lifestyle. The time value of money in real estate is a term that describes the value of money over time, used in determining the future cash...

The Top 5 Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make in Charleston

Entering the world of real estate investing can be overwhelming. We’ve gathered some information to help guide you away from making needless mistakes saving yourself from emotional and financial stress by learning from the hard lessons of other investors. So read on as we explore the top five mistakes real estate investors make in Charleston. All too often, investors find a property they are...


Entering the world of real estate investing can be overwhelming. We’ve gathered some information to help guide you away from making needless mistakes saving yourself from emotional and financial stress by learning from the hard lessons of other investors. So...

Our 5 Step Method for Building a Charleston Real Estate Portfolio

The tax benefits of real estate make it a desirable investment, as does its quality of being a tangible asset and the fact that housing will always be in demand. Real estate appreciates and has consistently built wealth over the long-term for investors who take a careful approach. Investment real estate also protects investors against inflation, as rental rates tend to keep pace with the cost of...


The tax benefits of real estate make it a desirable investment, as does its quality of being a tangible asset and the fact that housing will always be in demand. Real estate appreciates and has consistently built wealth over the long-term for investors who take a...

5 Unique Real Estate Investment Ideas for Buyers in Charleston

Ideas for real estate investments are limitless, and real estate purchases can be exciting for investors. However, it takes more than getting a good feeling about a property. Due diligence and skillful property management combine to build a healthy real estate portfolio. Diversifying into different sectors as you master each also helps build security against downturns in any single real estate...


Ideas for real estate investments are limitless, and real estate purchases can be exciting for investors. However, it takes more than getting a good feeling about a property. Due diligence and skillful property management combine to build a healthy real estate...

3 Differences Between Buying Commercial and Residential Property in Charleston

Along with industrial, business or retail uses or apartment complexes, residential properties with more than five units are also commercial properties. Single-family homes, multi-family properties of up to four units and mobile homes are all considered residential properties. Both commercial and residential real estate investment opportunities serve to reach similar goals...


Along with industrial, business or retail uses or apartment complexes, residential properties with more than five units are also commercial properties. Single-family homes, multi-family properties of up to four units and mobile homes are all considered residential...

What Charleston Wholesalers Need to Know About Transactional Funding

What do you know about transactional funding? Wholesalers often locate deals with motivated sellers who agree with the arrangement. The wholesaler then locates an end buyer, making a slight profit without being involved in the actual transaction. However, there are cases in which this isn’t always an option; for example, no assignment clauses often force wholesalers to use a simultaneous or double...


What do you know about transactional funding? Wholesalers often locate deals with motivated sellers who agree with the arrangement. The wholesaler then locates an end buyer, making a slight profit without being involved in the actual transaction. However, there are...